Bạn muốn ứng dụng hệ thống phần mềm hợp nhất để quản lý tối ưu toàn bộ hệ thống vận hành của doanh nghiệp >> Để đánh giá xem Doanh nghiệp đã sẵn sàng lựa chọn ERP ?
Bạn muốn ứng dụng hệ thống phần mềm hợp nhất để quản lý tối ưu toàn bộ hệ thống vận hành của doanh nghiệp >> Để đánh giá xem Doanh nghiệp đã sẵn sàng lựa chọn ERP ?
Why is Digital Transformation Important? Digital transformation is changing the way an organization operates. Systems, processes, workflow, and culture are all evaluated. This transformation affects each level of an organization and brings together data across areas to work together more effectively. By taking advantage of workflow automation and advanced processing, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and...
The enterprise resource planning (ERP) system promises to a seamless integration of their information, including customer orders, production, purchasing,inventory, distribution, human resources, and receipt of payments. ERP strategy not only defines the rules, components and road map governing the ERP deployment and utilization, but it also encourages and supports new product development and introductions. Hence,...
Định nghĩa về tổng chi phí sở hữu (TCO) đã được Gartner Research thiết lập vào giữa năm 80, mặc dù trước đó, các khái niệm xác định, tính toán và đo lường chi phí hoạt động đã biết đã được áp dụng từ thời đại công nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, sự xuất hiện của các...
It’s taking longer and longer to reconcile financials at the end of the month. Your sales forecasts are based more on guesswork than solid figures. Your business is having trouble keeping up with its order volume and customer satisfaction is faltering as a result. You have no idea how much inventory you have in your warehouse, and it’s a...
ERP selection can be complicated. The why of an ERP system is fairly clear. The ERP system you choose will be the platform through which the various functional areas of your company cohere into one unified whole. It’s the umbrella that covers and connects all your business areas and systems, enabling you to share data and make...
Many years ago I had an opportunity to participate in a group-based behavioural program oriented to problem-solving in the workplace. Among the many useful things I gained from the experience, a particularly important element emerged while engaged in various role-play exercises regarding co-worker personality traits; and how best to maximize communications that aided the de-confliction...
Having walked a professional tech path that lead from Consultant, to Enterprise IT Director, to Enterprise Technologies VP, and ultimately CIO; I have been involved in many large-scale product pitch-to-decision processes that relate to the title of this article. While each step on the ladder required a different business perspective depending on where I stood...
General How much does NetSuite cost? You can subscribe to NetSuite for as little as $99 per month depending on your requirements, however the price will depend on the nature of the solution you require. What is included in the NetSuite price? All software hosting, upgrades and maintenance costs are included in the subscription. How...
ERP systems began as primarily transaction engines with some heuristic decision making support. All those transactions accumulate a large amount of data. Analytics is the art and science of extracting information from that mass of ERP data. But what features does you business need to get the most out of ERP analytics? Customer Information What...